
Change your body, change your life. Get the expert nutrition, training and supplementation advice you need to achieve your life-long goals – right here with the best Personal Trainer in Carrum Downs.

Transform Yourself with a World Class Personal Trainer in Carrum Downs

Searching for a Personal Trainer can be a minefield. Amongst all the quick fixes, 8-week challenges and low-calorie plans, our methods stand out amongst the rest.

Discover why world champions, business executives and busy professionals seek out Coach Dale Hansford for world class personal training and nutrition. See why he is considered the best Personal Trainer in Carrum Downs.

Ready to take your results to the next level?

World Class Nutrition and Training from the best Personal Trainer in Carrum Downs

We understand how challenging it can be to achieve your fitness goals, especially when you’re dealing with multiple obstacles and roadblocks along the way.

That’s why we’re here to help. We are committed to helping you overcome these challenges and achieve lasting success. We take a personalized approach to training, nutrition, and supplementation, creating customized plans that are tailored to your unique needs, goals, and challenges.

We understand that everyone’s journey is different, which is why we work with you every step of the way to ensure that you’re making progress and feeling confident in your abilities. Say goodbye to frustration, confusion, and disappointment, and hello to a healthier, happier you with our proven programs and expert guidance.

We have your back.

Your Coach

Dale Hansford is widely considered an expert in strength training program design and periodization, with over 14 years’ experience in the industry. Known for his straight-forward, professional approach to training and nutrition, Dale prioritizes long term changes in strength and body composition.

After founding multiple high-performance facilities, injury treatment clinics, and consulting companies, Dale has bought his training, nutrition, supplementation and soft tissue treatment expertise as a personal trainer to Carrum Downs.

Leaning on his years of experience, and impressive education resume, Dale is a master at tailoring training and nutrition plans to the individual client, no matter what their goals.

Ready to take your results to the next level?

The Method

Lifestyle Audit with Personal training in Elsternwick

Full History, Lifestyle and Physical Audit

Our personal training program starts with a detailed lifestyle review in which we analyze important variables, such as sleep habits, stress levels, diet, exercise history and much more. 

In person, we analyze your physical condition, assessing your strengths, weaknesses, and risk for injury. 

After gathering these details, we craft an individualized plan tailored to help you reach your goal efficiently and effectively.

Personal Training in Elsternwick - Training Plan

Tailored Plans Specifically for You

You can’t out train a bad diet, and nutrition will make or break your success. 

Based on your assessment results, your individualised training, nutrition and supplementation plans will be developed.

Each facet of your program is tailored to your lifestyle, commitment level, and experience. 

One on One Accountability

You can train one-on-one with your coach each and every session, or only sporadically, and we will always have your back. 

No matter what, you have the support and accountability of a dedicated coach who will keep you on track, for each and every session. 

Each one-on-one session is more than a training appointment. We cover all facets of your transformation, from training to nutrition, to sleep and stress, all down to the last detail. 


Personal training in Elsternwick - Incline Pressing


No bouncing around, no random exercises or workouts. Every facet of your training program is planned and coached to the last detail, with every exercise, rep, set and rest period designed to give you maximum benefit, in minimal time. 

We are experts in developing training programs designed to bring you maximum benefit, no matter if your goal is strength gain, muscle growth or fat loss. Have an injury? No problem, our systems are developed to alleviate pain and restore joint and muscular function. 

Personal Training in Elsternwick - Nutrition

Nutrition and Supplementation

You can’t out train a bad diet, and nutrition will make or break your success. 

We design comprehensive, yet easy to implement plans, that make the journey to success easier, allowing you to enjoy the process while getting real results. 

Our nutrition and supplementation plans are based on your specific needs and preferences, providing precisely calculated amounts, delivered all at your fingertips via the advanced InutritionPro software. 

Secrets of sleep hygiene


Training and nutrition is only a part of achieving a sustained result. Your lifestyle changes are just as crucial. 

We teach you lifestyle tips and tricks to help you achieve your goals, from optimising sleep and energy with routine hacks, to reducing stress with relaxation techniques. 


Personal Training FAQ

Our Personal Training programs will take you to your ultimate physical goal, no matter what your starting point. 

We help committed individuals train better, eat better, and make the lifestyle changes they need to accomplish their goals. We guide you through better strength training, more informed nutrition, and lifestyle implementations customized to you. We are the leading providers of Personal Training in Carrum Downs, and service the wider Melbourne community. 

Certainly. Starting off on the right foot is crucial for long term success. 

Training with the right program that  help alleviate structural imbalances and restrictions will ensure faster, easier results, along with reducing the risk of injury and pain. We take a long-term focused approach to your training, teaching you the right exercises in specifically designed progressions. 

Clients that start their training strength training career with us experience better, faster results, with greater long term success.

Yes. Whilst your results may not be comparable to training 3 or 4 times per week, if you are short on time, it is even more imperative you have the very best program and advice.  

When training on limited time, your program needs to be designed around maximum efficiency, developing maximum results whilst still ensuring structural balance and flexibility.

No, you don’t. In fact, the vast majority of our clients train with us 1-2 times per week, then perform 1-2 extra sessions at their own convenience, either at their own commercial gym, or with equipment at home.

Regardless, our clients always have a detailed, prescriptive program to follow on their own. 

Absolutely. We work with you to develop sustainable, tasty food choices, based on your nutritional needs to achieve your outright goals. 

Lots of our clients are able to achieve their goals with minimal cooking skills, and minimal time. 

We are serious trainers, and as such, we work with clients that are serious about creating long lasting changes. We ask that our clients set aside a minimum of 12 weeks to work with us, to allow credible changes in their training, nutrition and lifestyle to occur. We are a world away from group classes, and online certified part time trainers – and as a result, the investment reflects that. Our Personal Training packages start at $100AUD a week.